🔴 I’m wondering what I should get.
= I’m wondering what I should buy.
= I’m wondering what to buy.
🔵 The other day, I went to Paris.
🔴 I decided not to go to Rome.
🔵 Has anyone been to Spain?
🔴 (旅行の準備)
A : What are you packing for the trip?
B : I’m not sure yet.
A : You should travel lightly.
🔵 It’s warm in Miami all year round, right? By the way, who did you swim with in Miami?
🔴 (空港に向かう)
A : You’ll have to be at the airport bright and early to make that flight.
B : You’re right.
A : Don’t be late!
🔵 (タクシーで)
Please let me off after you pass the light.
🔴 (電車は何時に…?)
He asked me what time the train would leave.
🔵 I remember when I first got off the airplane at Fiumicino Airport (Rome, Italy) more than 20 years ago. I felt like I was on a different planet! Everything I saw was new and exotic.
私は20年以上前、初めてフィウミチーノ空港 (ローマ、イタリア) に降り立った時のことを覚えています。違う惑星に来たのかと感じ、見るもの全てが新鮮で異国情緒あるものでした。
🔴 My head was filled with questions and I wanted to know everything.
🔵 Whenever I met people who spoke a little English, I would ask them questions about Rome.
🔴 Some people were very helpful and could give me a lot of answers. Other people didn’t seem to know even basic information about their own city.
🔵 When communication with foreigners, many people worry that they won’t be able to speak English well.
🔴 How many people are aware of the fact that since there are people who can get along well with foreigners even though there are some problems with their English ability?
You have to be active about speaking English and not be afraid to make mistakes.
Talk positively 😉
【丸暗記英文】海外旅行編:2 はこちら